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Doctor Nafasjeet Singh

Doctor Nafasjeet Singh

Dr Nafasjeet Singh is a graduate in medical sciences from DY Patil University and a postgraduate in ENT from ERA University, He is a certified practicing Allergist and Immunologist from the renowned allergy institute VPCI Delhi and a member of European allergy society (EAACI). Dr Nafasjeet helps us in curating specialized diet for clients having food and other allergies to provide a nutrition rich food specially taking care of our allergic patients meals and helping us provide them a specialized menu for a balanced diet.

Somatic Exercises for Weight Loss

Somatic exercises focus on mindful body movements which improve physical function addressing the relationship between...

Reasons to Consume Whole Grains for Weight Loss

If you are on the lookout for a healthy lifestyle you would need to make a few changes in your life including your...

Drink Sufficient Water for Weight Loss

Why does everyone tell you to drink plenty of water? But why? You might know very well that our planet Earth’s surface...

How to Eat Eggs for Weight Loss?

Eggs are complete protein. Protein is an essential macronutrient along with the other two, namely fats and...

How to Lose Weight From 85 Kg to 60 Kg?

Are you tired of you weighing 85 kg? Do you think you can get to an ideal weight and maintain it too? Well, you are...

Herbal Teas For Weight Loss

Herbal teas have become popular drinks because they are good for your health. One can also consider herbal teas as an...

Foods to Eat During Periods

Menstrual periods are natural and essential for a person’s life with a female reproductive system. It is a part of...

How to Loose Weight Water?

Water weight is the stored water that your body stores inside due to various reasons. Water weight leads to temporary...

A Beginner's Guide to Blue Zone Diet

Do you know, that a study found out that 95% of people who were 100 years old were on a plant-based diet. Yes, you read...

Things You Need to Know About Water Weight

An adult body’s weight is made of 50-60% of water. More than this will become your water weight. Water weight is the...
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