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Gurmohan Ahuja

Reasons for Fluctuating Body Weight

Are you tired of experiencing fluctuating body weight? You must be thinking that even after trying everything, your...

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Weight?

If you drink alcohol, you must have heard to keep the consumption in moderate amounts. It is because it has multiple...

How To Lose 20 kg in a Month?

Are you looking to lose some weight from your body? You can achieve that. Are you looking to lose 20 kg? You can...

Reduce Weight in 20 Days

Reducing weight is an aim for many people, especially, when you want to lose weight in 20 days because you have to...

How to Lose Weight in 15 Days?

15 days? A fortnight? Around 2 weeks? Is it possible to lose weight in 15 days?

Lose 1 Kg of Weight in a Day

Do you know that one should focus on losing only 2-4 kg of weight in a month? This means one should focus on losing...

How To Lose 4 kgs of Weight in One Month?

How do you plan to lose weight? By running? Gyming? Burning yourself out? By cutting your food? But the real question...

Effective Ways To Burn Calories for Weight Loss

Are you looking to lose weight from your body? Do you think it’s difficult to shed off some pounds of your body? Are...

Is Indian Cuisine Healthy?

Indian cuisine has gained popularity around the globe in recent decades. My favorite butter chicken and chicken tikka...

Reasons For Low Platelet Count

Our body has various elements that help it to function properly. Platelets are one of them. They are small colourless...
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