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Drink Sufficient Water for Weight Loss

Water for weight loss
  • June 28, 2024

Why does everyone tell you to drink plenty of water? But why? You might know very well that our planet Earth’s surface is covered with 70% water or maybe more, but that’s not really the reason to drink a lot of water. The reason why your body needs plenty of water is to maintain its water level. The human body is made of around 50-60% of water. You don’t just drink water for weight loss but also to support various physiological functions. 

Silhouette of man drinking water Drinking water benefits Illustration isolated on white background

Such an important component of our body is often looked over and we do not understand the importance of hydration. This article includes the importance of water for the body, how to be hydrated, and how water helps in weight loss. 

Cropped photo of afro american males hands open the bottle with water

Pro tip: Drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day instead of drinking large amounts of water in one go. 

Importance of water:

Clear glass of water with moving bubbles and spiral wave splash around it on a white background, copy space.

Water plays a crucial role in supporting the functions of our body. It is crucial to drink sufficient amounts of water to ensure the effective functioning of our body. Here is why water is so important for our body. 

Water supports cellular functions:

Water is a major component of cells which provides the necessary environment for biochemical reactions. It helps to transport essential nutrients to cells and also helps to remove the waste product from the body. 

Water helps to regulate temperature:

Drinking water helps to regulate temperature because it has high heat capacity. Water helps to absorb and retain heat which stabilizes the internal body temperature. The process of sweating and respiration helps to remove the excess heat and cools you down as the body uses water in this process. 

Water helps in digestion and nutrient absorption:

Drinking sufficient water will help you with digestion. This helps to break down the food easily and absorb the essential nutrients from food. Saliva in the mouth initiates the digestion process, the saliva is primarily water. Water also produces digestive juices to transport nutrients and bloodstream. 

Water helps in joint lubrication and shock absorption:

Synovial fluid is responsible for lubricating joints and it also cushions them. This reduces friction and wear of the joints. Water is the key component of synovial fluid which also acts as a shock absorber, protecting vital organs and tissues. 

Water helps in detoxification:

Water helps kidneys to filter blood and remove waste products through urine. Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated which supports kidney functions and promotes efficient detoxification. Sufficient water in your body helps efficient detoxification and reduces the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections. 

Water improves circulatory health:

Water makes up 90% of blood which makes it crucial for maintaining blood volume and pressure. Drinking sufficient water ensures hydration that can help with the circulatory system that transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. 

Water improves skin health:

Hydration is important for your skin to maintain elasticity. It helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dryness. Healthy skin is more resilient and provides better protection against external irritants. 

Water for weight loss

Young athletic woman drinking water with her eyes closed while having water break during morning run in nature

Water is essential for overall health and drinking sufficient water can also aid weight loss. Here are some ways in which drinking sufficient water for weight loss is effective:

Boosts metabolism:

Efficient metabolic activities help to burn calories to lose weight even if you are at rest. Drinking water can help with the process of thermogenesis which means your body burns more calories when you drink cold water. Though the effect of water on burning calories while resting will be temporary, it is a good start in the journey of weight loss. 

Drinking enough water can also help with an increased metabolic rate which helps to burn calories at an increased rate by 24-30% for up to an hour. 

Suppresses appetite:

Drinking plenty of water promotes satiety. This means you can feel fuller for a longer period of time and the need for eating in between meals or at odd times will be reduced. You would not feel the urge to eat frequently which will eventually reduce your calorie intake. 

It is good to drink water before every meal so you can avoid overeating. Water doesn't have any calories, you can easily replace high-calorie drinks with water to reduce overall calorie intake. 

Enhances exercise performance:

Proper hydration helps you achieve optimal physical performance. Drinking sufficient water can help reduce fatigue, endurance, and lack of motivation to exercise. This can help you stay motivated to make efforts for weight loss. 

Water is a medium to transport nutrients that your muscles need for recovery after exercise which can allow for frequent workout sessions. 

Improves digestion:

Drinking adequate amounts of water can help maintain regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. It also aids in efficient waste removal from the body which otherwise would be a hindrance in weight loss. 

Reduces liquid calorie intake:

Water is an alternative to sugary drinks, alcoholic beverages, and other high-calorie drinks. Replacing such drinks which will not help in weight loss with water could bring out effective results. 

Supports fat burning:

Lipolysis is the process of fat burning. The fat-burning process begins with the first step called hydrolysis. It involves the breakdown of fat molecules into fatty acids and glycerol with the help of water molecules. 

Tips for using water to aid weight loss:

  1. To ensure you lose weight by adequately drinking water, aim to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before your meal. This will help you to avoid overeating. 
  2. It is better if you carry a water bottle with you to ensure water intake. This will help you stay consistent in drinking water throughout the day. 
  3. Start your day by drinking at least 1 glass of water daily. For better results, you can add lemon juice in warm water and drink it first thing in the morning. 
  4. Focus on foods that have high water content. Include watermelons, cucumbers, strawberries, and tomatoes in your diet so they can make you feel fuller with fewer calories. 
  5. Make note of limiting caffeine intake and avoid sugary drinks that can contribute to dehydration. Such drinks can also lead to more calorie intake and an increase in your hunger. 
  6. If you cannot meet the requirement of drinking 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day, it is better to take the help of technology. Use apps that can remind you to drink water at regular intervals. 

What happens if you don’t drink enough water?

Water is essential for maintaining various body functions and it also aids weight loss but inadequate amounts in your body could lead to various complications. Here are various effects of dehydration on the body:

Immediate effects of dehydration:

  1. Dry mouth and feeling of thirst are the initial signs of dehydration. If you feel the need to drink water, this is an obvious sign that your body needs water immediately. 
  2. The body will reduce urine production if you are dehydrated to retain water. If your urine is concentrated, darker in color, and has a strong odor, this means you are dehydrated. 
  3. Dehydration could be a major cause of fatigue and dizziness as the body struggles to maintain adequate blood volume and circulation. 
  4. One might also experience headaches due to a lack of water in the body because of the decreased blood flow and lack of fluid around the brain. 
  5. Dehydration can also lead to dry skin because it affects the skin’s elasticity. 

Short-term consequences of dehydration:

  1. Mild dehydration could result in a lack of concentration, memory, and mental clarity. 
  2. You will feel frequent mood swings or experience irritability, anxiety, or reduced ability to handle stress if you are not hydrated enough. 
  3. Less water content in the body will cause constipation because it will hinder the process of waste removal which may lead to temporary weight gain. 
  4. Temporary weight gain could also be the result of water retention. When you do not have an adequate amount of water in your body, the body retains the water causing you to gain water weight. 
  5. Lack of water will also affect your physical performance because the body struggles to regulate temperature and blood flow. 
  6. Dehydration causes electrolyte imbalance which can lead to muscle cramps and spasms. 

Long-term effects of dehydration:

  1. Chronic dehydration can lead to the development of kidney stones due to concentrated urine and accumulation of minerals. 
  2. Lack of water content in your body can lead to a higher risk of developing urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  3. Prolonged dehydration can lead to kidney damage because of the inability of kidneys to filter blood and waste products. 
  4. If you will not drink sufficient water it could lead to high blood pressure. Water in the body maintains the blood volume so the heart can pump blood easily. Lack of water will make the heart pump blood harder than necessary. 
  5. Long-term dehydration will exacerbate skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Lack of water will also accelerate the process of skin aging. 
  6. If one doesn't drink enough water, one might develop digestive issues including gastritis and acid reflux because the body struggles to produce enough digestive fluids. 

Severe dehydration:

  1. Severe dehydration can lead to serious medical issues like heat-related injuries, hypovolemic shock, and electrolyte imbalance and can even lead to coma and death. 
  2. Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much water should I ideally drink to lose weight?

Ans. Ideally, you should drink around 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. But everybody’s fluid requirements are different. You can also consult a nutritionist who can help you decide on an adequate amount of water throughout the day. 

How to reduce water weight?

Ans. Water weight could be the result of various factors including dehydration. If you want to reduce water weight, ensure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, exercise regularly, and avoid high sodium content foods. 


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