Indian Meal Plans Advice

Eat Avocados For Weight Loss

Written by Gurmohan Ahuja | Jun 26, 2024 10:18:37 AM

Avocados, one of the most nutritional fruits and a must when you are following a diet to weight, are crucial because of their nutritional value. Persea Americana or avocados for weight loss is an effective option to add to your diet. It belongs to the Lauraceae family which is the same family of cinnamon and bay laurel. Before going into the realm of avocados for weight loss let's first look at how beneficial avocados are in general. Let’s start with a brief history. 

Avocados are believed to have originated from South Central Mexico dating back to 5000 BCE. The fruit was a staple in the diets of ancient people including Aztecs and Mayans. 

The fruit comes from its tree which is 65 feet tall and has a broad, spreading canopy. The tree produces many flowers but only a few percent of these flowers result in mature fruits. 

Today, Mexico is the largest producer of avocados in the world, the same place where it is believed to originate 5000 years ago. The most common variety of avocados is the Hass avocado that was developed in California in the 1930s. The other commonly used varieties of avocados are Bacon and Zutano. 

Fun fact: Avocados are also known as “alligator pears” because of their shape and green, bumpy skin. 

Nutritional profile:

  • Avocados are the ‘healthy fats’ that are good for your health. The monounsaturated fats, particularly oleic acid found in avocados, are good for your heart health. 
  • The fruit is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber which is good for digestion and maintaining a healthy gut. 
  • You would get essential vitamins like vitamins C, E, K, and B6 along with folate, magnesium, and potassium. 
  • Avocados are also a good source of antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin which are essential for eye health. 

Health Benefits of Avocados:

Avocados have a rich nutritional profile which gives us multiple health benefits if we incorporate them into our diets. 

Here is a list of some of the health benefits of avocados:

Good for your heart health:

Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats which can help to control your cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Heart diseases are associated with cholesterol and when it is controlled in the first place, you will have a lower risk of heart diseases. 

The fruit is also a good source of potassium which helps to regulate the blood sugar levels by balancing the effects of sodium. 

A rich nutritional profile:

You have read above the nutritional profile of avocados. Such a nutritional-packed fruit gives you multiple advantages for your body. 

Avocados, rich in vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant neutralizes free radicals in the body. On the other hand, vitamin K is important for bone health. 

Folate in avocados helps in repairing cells and helps in preventing neural tube defects in babies during pregnancy. 

The magnesium content helps for muscle and nerve function and also helps to produce energy. 

Supports digestive health:

Avocados have a high content of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Fiber is good for digestion which helps to maintain a healthy gut microbiome and prevents constipation. 

Aids in weight management:

Due to the presence of healthy fats and fiber in avocados, consuming them can promote the feeling of satiety. This will reduce your hunger and overall calorie intake. That is how avocados aid in weight loss and management. 

Improves your eye health:

Avocados are good for eye health because of the antioxidants that it contains. They have essential antioxidants, namely lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial for eye health. 

Anti-inflammatory properties:

Avocados help to reduce inflammation in the body because of the phytonutrients like carotenoids and phytosterols. Inflammation in the body could be the reason for multiple health issues like body pain, weight gain, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disorder, and others. 

Improves skin health:

Eating avocados is good for skin health because vitamins E and C help to protect the skin from oxidative damage. They also help to promote collagen production which keeps your overall skin healthy and youthful. 

Supports bone health:

Vitamin K in avocados is essential for bone health. It helps to absorb calcium and bone mineralization. 

Improves mood and mental health:

Avocados are good for your mental health because they have vitamin B in them which is important for brain health. They can also help to improve your mood and help reduce the risk of depression by regulating neurotransmitters. 

Regulates blood sugar levels:

Avocados help to regulate blood sugar level because they have low glycemic index and have low carb content. This is the most suitable food for managing blood sugar levels.

Avocados for weight loss:

Avocados are good for weight loss. You can add them to your diet to see positive results. Though avocados have a higher calorie content than other fruits, they could help you better reduce weight and manage it at the same time. 

Here are some ways in which avocados aid in weight loss and management:

High in healthy fats:

Avocados are added to the weight loss regime because of their content of healthy fats. The monounsaturated fats help to develop a feeling of fullness. The feeling of satiety will help to reduce overall calorie intake. You can prevent yourself from overeating and snacking between meals. 

Healthy fats are good for you because they can help boost your metabolism and promote fat burning. Avocados are a good choice to replace unhealthy fats in your diet. 

High in fiber:

The high content of fiber in avocados helps to improve digestion and maintain a healthy gut. Fiber helps to slow down the digestion process which helps to feel full. 

Fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar levels which promotes a slow and steady release of energy. This will help to reduce appetite and cravings. 

Rich in nutrients:

Avocados contain essential nutrients like micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support your overall health and well-being. If you eat a clean diet, your body is less likely to crave unhealthy food. 

The nutrient-rich avocados help to maintain steady energy levels. When your body is using stabilized energy, you will feel less fatigued. Moreover, by eating healthy you are avoiding overeating. 

Low in carbohydrates:

Avocados have a low glycemic index which simply means that they do not cause significant spikes in blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar levels help to reduce hunger and cravings.

If you want to follow a keto diet, avocados are a good choice as they are low in carbs and can be effective in weight loss.  

Versatile and satisfying:

Avocados can be easily incorporated into a variety of meals to add in your diet. You can make salads, smoothies, sandwiches, and even desserts. 

The creamy texture and rich flavor can make healthy meals more tasty and satisfying which will help to reduce the temptation to opt for less healthy and high-calorie foods. 

Culinary uses:

  • Avocados can be used in various ways to incorporate into your diet. One such way is to make guacamole, a popular dip made of mashed avocado. It is often mixed with lime juice, salt, cilantro, onions, and tomatoes. 
  • You can use sliced or diced avocados to add to your salad and add a creamy texture to it. 
  • Avocados can also be used to make healthy smoothies which could be an effective weight loss drink
  • You can use avocado spread on sandwiches and toast which is a healthy alternative to butter. 
  • Avocado is used in various sushi rolls for added flavor and texture. 

Tips to incorporate avocados in weight loss:

  • Avocados are healthy fats but they have high-calorie content so incorporate them in moderation to avoid too many calories in the first place. 
  • Instead of using butter or mayonnaise on your bread sliced, use avocado for healthy recipes. The nutritional value of avocados helps you to replace unhealthy foods in your diet. 
  • The best way to incorporate avocado into your diet is to pair it with protein-rich foods. Pair avocados with foods like eggs, chicken, or legumes that would help to enhance satiety and muscle maintenance. 
  • Avocados can be your healthy snack options such as guacamole with vegetable sticks or spread on whole-grain toast. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it good to eat avocado daily?

Ans. You can eat avocado daily in the form of guacamole, a popular dip, smoothie, salads or spread as they are good for your heart health, eye health, digestion and your overall health because they are packed with numerous nutrients. 

When should you not eat avocados?

Ans. One should not eat avocados when they are rotten. You will know the avocado has gone bad when the color has changed from green shade to brown or black, or when it squeezes out easily without any effort. 

How to use avocado for weight loss?

Ans. Incorporate avocado in your diet in the form of spread, salads, smoothies or guacamole. Replace your unhealthy snacks with avocado because it has essential nutrients that you need to improve your overall health. Avocados contain fiber and healthy fats which promotes the feeling of satiety. This helps to reduce hunger and cravings which eventually helps to lose and manage the weight.