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Gujarati Diet Plan For Weight Loss

  • June 5, 2024

India is a multicultural land and so is its cuisine. When we talk about Indian cuisine, we think of plates full of cooked veggies, paranthas, rotis, dal, chawal, pappad, lassi and so on. But Indian cuisine is more than that. It comprises all the cuisines from different cultures. Be it Punjabi cuisine or Assamese cuisine, every cultured based cuisine is healthy and helps in weight loss. One such cuisine is Gujarati cuisine. A Gujarati diet plan for weight loss can help you to a great extent. 

Group of Gujarati snacks like jalebi-fafda, thepla, khaman dhokla, aloo bhujiya, khandvi,khakra, dahi vada, gathiya with hot tea

Gujarati cuisine is not just about thepla, khandvi, fafda and what you have been hearing about in movies and shows. It’s more than that and here is a sample of a gujarati diet plan for weight loss. For better understanding, read the full article.


  • Start your day by drinking 2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice.
  • Have a moong dal paratha in the morning.
  • Have 100g Greek yogurt with 1 fruit in the mid-morning
  • For lunch, prepare cabbage and carrot sambharo in olive oil and have it along bhakhri.
  • In the evening enjoy Indian tea with roasted nuts. Do not add sugar to the tea.
  • For dinner, make a vegetable chilla and have it with just 1 tablespoon of chutney along with 250 g of soya nutri. 
  • Drink chamomile tea after lunch. 

DAY 2:

  • Drink 2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice in it in the morning. 
  • Eat one cup of poha and have 1 cup milk with it for your breakfast. 
  • Have an apple as your mid-morning snack
  • Prepare chana dal and eat it with brown rice and Greek yogurt
  • In the evening, have papaya and coconut water. 
  • Prepare mushroom matar and eat it with methi thepla for your dinner. 
  • End your day by sipping on chamomile tea. 

DAY 3:

  • Drink 2 glasses of water with lemon juice in it in the morning. 
  • Have foxtail millet and vegetable porridge in your breakfast. 
  • Drink 330 ml of butter milk in mid-morning. 
  • For lunch, prepare palak paneer and have it with 2 rotis. 
  • In the evening drink Indian tea without sugar and have 3 ⁄ 4 cups of chiwda with it. 
  • Prepare stir fried tofu and make vegetable pulao to have for the dinner. 
  • Sleep after drinking chamomile tea. 

Health fact: one cup of buttermilk has just 50 calories. 

DAY 4:

  • Start your day by drinking 2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice in it.
  • Make 2 methi thepla for breakfast and have it with 50 ml of Greek Yogurt. 
  • Eat 1 bowl of papaya in the mid morning.
  • Prepare black chana and have it with 2 rotis or 1 cup of boiled rice. Enjoy your lunch with 50 ml of raita. 
  • Drink Indian tea without sugar and have roasted nuts in the evening. 
  • Prepare mixed vegetables and have them with 1 roti as your dinner. 
  • Drink chamomile tea to end your day on a healthy note. 

DAY 5:

  • Drink 2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice in it to start your day. 
  • After that, prepare 1 plate of vegetable upma and have it with 6 almonds for your breakfast. 
  • Drink 330 ml of buttermilk in mid morning. 
  • Make paneer bhurji and have it with 2 rotis for your lunch.
  • Sip on Indian tea and enjoy it with 2 marie biscuits in the evening. Ensure not to use sugar for the tea. 
  • Prepare paneer shashlik tikka with lettuce and have it for your dinner. 
  • Drink chamomile tea before going to bed. 

DAY 6:

  • Start your day with 2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice in it and drink it first thing in the morning. 
  • Prepare 1 besan chilla and have it for your breakfast. 
  • Eat fruit chaat as your mid morning snack.
  • Make vegetable pulao and have it with Greek yogurt raita for your lunch. 
  • Eat cauliflower palak methi muthia as your evening snack. 
  • Make black chana and have it along with poha for your dinner. 
  • Drink chamomile tea after dinner. 

DAY 7:

There is no set plan for day 7 as it is your cheat day. But you have to consider a few things even on your cheat day and here are those considerations:

  • Do not have sugar. 
  • Eat your favorite food but just one meal. 
  • Include fruits and vegetables. 
  • Watch out for your portions. 
  • Keep a track of your calories. 
  • Focus on mindful eating. 
  • Stay hydrated. 

Why Choose a Gujarati diet plan for weight loss?

Gujarati diet plan is centric to the Gujarati state and culture and most part of the Gujarati cuisine is vegetarian because Gujarat has a high population of vegetarians. Here are a few reasons why one should chose Gujarati diet plan for weight loss:

Plant-based diet:

Gujarati diet plan for weight loss is plant centric diet. The foods in the diet plan are all plant-based that have natural fats and are healthy for your overall health. 

Fiber-rich food:

Gujarati diet plan for weight loss will be effective for you because the food is rich in fiber. It includes fibrous food like whole grains, lentils and vegetables that help to keep you feeling full. Hence, a Gujarati diet plan will help to decrease your overall calorie consumption. 

Uses traditional cooking methods:

Gujarati food is cooked with traditional methods of cooking like steaming, roasting, stir-frying that helps to keep the nutritional value of the food intact. 

Use of herbs and spices:

Gujarati diet plan for weight loss is also effective because of the focus on the use of ayurvedic herbs and spices that not just add flavor to the dishes but also provide multiple health benefits. The use of haldi or turmeric is prominent in Gujarati cuisine. The active compound of turmeric, that is curcumin, gives it its medicinal properties. Hence, turmeric has a number of health benefits. 

Other changes to help in weight loss:

Dumbbells; water bottle; measuring tape and apple on pink background

A diet will help you focus on the right nutrients for your body. But you need to make a few changes to your lifestyle as well so a Gujarati diet plan for weight loss can work effectively. Here are a few changes that need to incorporate in your life:

Work on your sleep schedule:

A quality sleep is necessary for you to not just lose weight but for your overall health as well. When you are well-rested your body will work efficiently. You would not feel tired and your emotions will also be in control. A quality sleep also helps you to manage stress which is a major contributor in weight gain. 

The stress hormone cortisol makes you more hungry and you delve into emotional eating which leads to overeating. On the other hand, a well slept person will make mindful choices when it comes to eating. 

Moreover, sleeping late makes you more hungry because your body produces hunger hormones and increases your cravings for food. 

Stress management:

In order to lose weight you need to manage your stress. Stress can cause overeating. Ensure you are sleeping well, drinking plenty of water and eating good food. Apart from these precautions, you need to indulge yourself in stress management activities like yoga, meditation, journaling, spending time in nature and doing things that you like to do. 

Exercise regularly:

If you want to see effective results, you should exercise regularly or at least 3-4 days a week. Exercising will help you to burn calories for weight loss. 

Start with cardio and include activities like walking, running, swimming. You can even start small by taking stairs instead of elevators, playing outdoors with your pets, or children, go for a 30 minutes walk after every meal and so on. In order to lose weight, ensure you move your body frequently. 

Drink plenty of water:

Water is necessary for your body for your overall health as well. Drinking water will help you to feel full; hence reducing your cravings and you would not feel hungry. 

You can also choose to drink other alternatives like detox waters, weight loss drinks, herbal teas, healthy smoothies and other healthy drinks if you don’t want to drink plain simple water. 

Consult a dietician:

In order to lose weight you should consult a nutritionist who can plan a diet specifically for you. The above diet is a sample Gujarati diet plan for weight loss. What you need is a specific diet plan made after considering your current lifestyle and your health goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to lose 5kg in a 7 day diet plan?

Ans. Losing 5 kg of weight in a 7 day diet plan is an unrealistic goal. In 7 days you can only lose up to 0.5-1 kg of weight only if you follow a proper diet plan specifically designed for you. Along with diet you also have to focus on moving your body more often. Combine a healthy diet with regular exercising and you can lose up to 0.5-1 kg of weight in 7 days. 

How to lose 10 kg in a one month diet plan?

Ans. There is no way you can lose 10 kg weight in one month no matter what diet plan you follow. However, if you want to lose weight and see effective results, start by eating clean food which will contain plant-based foods rich in protein, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals. Add regular exercising and you can lose up to 2- 4 kg of weight in a month by following a diet. 

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