Indian Meal Plans Advice

Sugarcane Juice its Health Benefits

Written by Gurmohan Ahuja | Feb 19, 2024 12:01:00 PM

Juices are a good way to start your day. You can find many variants of juices if you do not like to consume fruits in its raw form. One such variant is sugarcane juice that is extracted from sugarcane stalks. Sugarcane is also a contributor to producing sugar. 

Sugarcane juice has a refreshing flavor that has been enjoyed for centuries. From the bustling street vendors in India to beachside stalls in Brazil, sugarcane juice is a testament to nature’s bounty that is enjoyed across the world. 

Fun fact: Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane and India is the second largest producer. 

Sugarcane juice is not just consumed for its taste alone or for the fact that it is an elixir on hot summer days. It is consumed because of its health benefits as well. Just like every other juice, sugarcane juice also contributes to health as well. It is important that you should consider sugarcane juice as a part of the meal, not as an individual beneficiary. 

To understand the health benefits of sugarcane juice, you first need to understand the nutritional value of sugarcane juice.

Nutritional Value of Sugarcane Juice:

Sugarcane juice is a natural beverage obtained by pressing fresh sugarcane stalks. The variety of sugarcane, its growing conditions, and its extraction process minimally impact its nutritional value. However, the general profile of sugarcane juice contains a few elements including:

If you consume one serving of sugarcane juice, that is, 28.35 grams of sugarcane juice it will contain:

113.43 calories, with 0.20 grams of protein, 0.66 grams of fat, and 25.40 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains a good amount of vitamins and minerals including Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin B (thiamine), and Riboflavin.


A serving of 28.35 grams of sugarcane contains 24.40 grams of carbohydrates. Sugarcane juice contains carbohydrates predominantly, in the form of natural sugars such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose. They are a quick source of energy for your body making it a drink to replenish electrolytes and combat fatigue. 

Vitamins and Minerals:

  • Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body and their presence in any food or drink you consume makes it healthy for your body. Even if the vitamins and minerals are in a minimal amount it is important to know what contents you are consuming while drinking sugarcane juice.
  • Though sugarcane juice is not a prominent source of vitamins and minerals, it does contain essential nutrients. Sugarcane juice has vitamin C, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports immune functions. On the other hand, calcium boosts bone health and iron helps in oxygen transport. 

Water Content:

  • One can consume sugarcane juice to hydrate their body and contribute to fulfilling fluid requirements as well. Sugarcane juice has a high water content, making it a hydrating beverage choice, particularly in hot and humid climates. 
  • Sugarcane juice will help you get essential hydration, especially on summer days that will help your body to function properly and it will also help fulfill the fluid requirement of your body. Hydration will not only improve body functioning but will also help in overall well-being. 

Caloric Content:

  • Sugarcane juice has natural sugar so you do not have to worry about the added sugars that are harmful for your body. Unlike other sweet beverages that have a lot of added sugar content, sugarcane is low on sugar which eventually makes it a beverage with less calories. 
  • Though if we look at the overall concentration of calories in one serving of sugarcane juice, let’s say 28.35 grams, then you will find around 113.43 calories in it. Though the calorie content varies based on multiple factors including concentration of sugars and added ingredients if we are talking about stored sugarcane juices. 

Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice:

Now let’s dive into the health benefits of sugarcane juice to wrap our heads around the advantages of drinking it on a regular basis. 

1. Hydration and Electrolyte Balance:

  • Sugarcane juice has a high water content that helps in the hydration of the human body. You might have noticed the sale of sugarcane juices is on a hike on hot summer days because your body needs to be hydrated on days with high temperatures. 
  • Sugarcane juice helps maintain hydration of your body, especially during periods of physical exertion or exposure to high temperatures. The high water content of sugarcane juice helps replenish fluids lost through sweat. Also, natural sugars aid in restoring electrolyte balance in the body as well. 

2. Antioxidant Properties:

  • Sugarcane juice contains vitamin C which is an antioxidant. Vitamin C helps neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Adding antioxidants to your diet would help you with multiple benefits. Sugarcane can be one of the sources of antioxidants in your body. 
  • Antioxidants do reduce the risk of heart diseases and improve your skin along with being a benefit for your eyes. Antioxidants work by combating oxidative stress and not only fight to reduce the risk of chronic diseases but also improve the overall health of a person. 

3. Digestive Health:

  • Sugarcane juice also contributes to promoting digestive health as well. Sugarcane contains laxative properties that promote regularity and aid in digestive processes. 
  • Sugarcane juice also helps alleviate constipation and improve bowel movements. But for sugarcane juice to work in your favor, you have to add sugarcane juice as a part of a balanced diet. 

4. Energy Boost:

  • The natural sugar content in sugarcane juice is a quick source of energy. Sugarcane juice is an ideal choice for athletes and individuals engaged in vigorous physical exercises or daily workouts. 
  • You can consider consuming sugarcane juice before or after exercise it can help replenish glycogen stores and enhance strength and endurance giving you a quick boost of energy. 

5. Nutrient Absorption:

Sugarcane juice has vitamin C which will help enhance the absorption of iron from plant-based foods. Vitamin C helps support healthy blood circulation and prevents iron deficiency anemia.

Tips To Prepare Sugarcane Juice:

To prepare a refreshing drink to add to your balanced meal, especially in summer, here are a few tips to prepare different kinds of sugarcane juice. Talking about summer, you would also like to read about summer's friend-gond katira which is most famous in India and deals with the body temperature in summer. You can also add gond katira to your sugarcane juice to get relief from body heat. 

Here are a few sugarcane juice recipes to try:

1. Classic Sugarcane Juice:


- Fresh sugarcane stalks

- Ice cubes (optional)


  1. Rinse the sugarcane stalks thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Peel the outer skin of the sugarcane stalks using a sharp knife or sugarcane peeler.
  3. Cut the sugarcane into smaller pieces that will fit into your juicer.
  4. Feed the sugarcane pieces through the juicer chute and collect the juice in a clean container.
  5. Serve the freshly extracted sugarcane juice over ice cubes for a refreshing treat.

2. Minty Sugarcane Cooler:


- Fresh sugarcane juice (prepared as per the classic recipe)

- Fresh mint leaves

- Lime or lemon wedges

- Ice cubes


  1. Prepare fresh sugarcane juice using the classic recipe.
  2. In a blender, combine the sugarcane juice with a handful of fresh mint leaves.
  3. Blend until the mint leaves are finely chopped and incorporated into the juice.
  4. Pour the mint-infused sugarcane juice into glasses filled with ice cubes.
  5. Garnish each glass with a lime or lemon wedge for added flavor and freshness.

3. Ginger-Lemon Sugarcane Refresher:


- Fresh sugarcane juice (prepared as per the classic recipe)

- Fresh ginger root, peeled and grated

- Freshly squeezed lemon juice

- Honey or sugar (optional)

- Ice cubes


  1. Prepare fresh sugarcane juice using the classic recipe.
  2. In a small bowl, combine grated ginger with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Allow the ginger-lemon mixture to sit for a few minutes to infuse.
  4. Add the ginger-lemon mixture to the sugarcane juice and stir well.
  5. Taste the sugarcane refresher and sweeten it with honey or sugar if desired.
  6. Serve the ginger-lemon sugarcane refresher over ice cubes for a zesty and invigorating drink.

4. Tropical Sugarcane Smoothie:


- Fresh sugarcane juice (prepared as per the classic recipe)

- Pineapple chunks

- Banana

- Coconut water or coconut milk

- Ice cubes


  1. Prepare fresh sugarcane juice using the classic recipe.
  2. In a blender, combine the sugarcane juice with pineapple chunks and a ripe banana.
  3. Add coconut water or coconut milk to the blender to achieve the desired consistency.
  4. Blend all the ingredients until smooth and creamy.
  5. Pour the tropical sugarcane smoothie into glasses filled with ice cubes.
  6. Garnish with a slice of pineapple or a sprinkle of shredded coconut for a tropical touch.

These sugarcane juice recipes offer a delightful way to enjoy this natural and refreshing beverage while incorporating a variety of flavors and ingredients to suit your taste preferences. Feel free to experiment with different combinations and additions to create your own unique sugarcane juice creations!

Common Myths Surrounding Sugarcane Juice:

You must have heard or read about the myths around sugarcane juice. Though it has multiple health benefits but only a few know about them because the misconceptions have more than the health benefits. 

1. Sugarcane Juice Causes Diabetes:

  • Sugarcane juice contains natural sugars. Otherwise, it does not affect your health as long as you are consuming it moderately. Sugarcane juice is not linked in any way to developing diabetes. Yes, diabetic people should avoid consuming it even if they are not advised by their doctors. 
  • Food and drink consumption should always be consumed in a way that is beneficial to you. If you already have health issues you need to be more careful while choosing healthy options for your meal. And don’t forget to consult a nutritionist before making changes to your plan.
  • If you are looking for healthy options to inculcate in your diet but don’t have enough time to plan your own meals, you can check Desi Nutrition where our nutrition will help you customize a meal. 

2. Sugarcane Juice Causes Tooth Decay:

  • Most of the myths around sugarcane juice came to light because of the presence of natural sugar in it. But little do people know natural sugar does not harm our health like preservative sugars or processed sugars do. 
  • Sweet beverages will harm your health but natural sugars like that in fresh sugarcane juice are not going to affect your health in any way if you are a healthy person. Consuming sugarcane juice will not contribute to tooth decay or cavities like most people think. 
  • Maintain good oral hygiene and consume healthy food that will contribute to your overall health. And if you are already facing dental issues visit your dentist and avoid sugar content.  

3. Sugarcane Juice is Unhealthy: 

  • Again, this myth came into existence because of the presence of sugar. Though in a minimal content, sugarcane juice has essential nutrients that your body needs. It is not unhealthy. But you have to make sure you consume it with a balanced diet and not just to replenish your taste buds. 
  • Overconsumption is going to prove bad for you especially if you are not eating healthy food. Remember you will only get the health benefits of sugarcane juice if you consume it at moderate rates along with proper healthy meals. 
  • To get more information on healthy and balanced meals you should visit Desi Nutrition

Issues of Overconsumption:

Consumption of sugarcane juice is going to be beneficial to you in many ways but if you do not check the rate at which you consume it, all those benefits will turn into issues for your health. 

Overconsumption of sugarcane juice will harm your health in the following ways:

1. High Sugar Content: 

  • Sugarcane juice has a high sugar content. It contains natural sugars but consuming it in excess would contribute to weight gain. It may also impact your metabolism because excess sugarcane juice may impact metabolic imbalances. 
  • Diabetic people should be more careful with the consumption of sugarcane juice. You have to monitor your intake of sugars and before adding sugarcane juice to your diet you should consult your doctors. 

2. Caloric Intake: 

  • Sugarcane juice has low calories as compared to other beverages that contain processed sugars. Excessive consumption will lead to excess calorie intake as well which will lead to weight gain and obesity. 

3. Dental Health: 

  • As we read above, sugarcane juice consumption does not contribute to tooth decay or cavities but overconsumption is bad for you. Consuming a beverage with natural sugar might also lead to bad dental health if you do not look at the frequency of intake.
  • It is your health that we are talking about so it makes it your responsibility to consume food that is good for your health and ensure to keep track of the intake as well. Prolonged exposure to sugary drinks, including sugarcane juice, can increase the risk of tooth decay and cavities. Ensure to follow good oral hygiene to protect your dental health. 


Sugarcane juice has a high content of natural sugar and other essential vitamins and minerals in minimal amounts. Adding sugarcane juice to your diet will be beneficial for you in more than one way. 

One thing that you need to keep in mind is to consider sugarcane juice as a part of your balanced diet and not a sweet beverage that would energize your taste buds. Sugarcane juice is beneficial for your health but if consumed frequently it will impact your health. 

Also if you are going through health issues you need to consult your doctor before you make dietary changes. And if you are considering changing your lifestyle by changing your eating habits, you would need the expertise of professionals to help you make meals that fall with your interest and help you achieve your goals. Desi Nutrition can help you enhance your eating habits as they provide customized meals that would help you meet your long term health goals.