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High Protein Indian Vegetarian Food

  • May 29, 2024

Protein is one of the vital macronutrients along with fats and carbohydrates. Consuming protein rich food is essential for your body because protein is the building blocks of our body. Protein is vital for the body because it is responsible for maintaining bodily functions, repairing tissues, building muscles and many more. It is also essential to include high protein foods in your diet for the same reasons. 

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Protein is associated with muscle building and strength that is why people tend to avoid high protein food if they want to lose weight. But protein is the crucial macronutrients that supports life. All bodily functions are carried out because of the presence of protein in the human body. 

Importance of protein for our body:

Healthy eating HD 8K wallpaper Stock Photographic Image

Why is protein so important? Let’s decode the reason why dieticians focus on high protein diets to get a fit and healthy body. 

Structure of protein:

We are not going to go in detail of how protein is made. But let’s just get enough information on protein to understand its importance better. 

Proteins are made of long chains of amino acids. These structures are complex and their complex and specific placement decides the shape and function of each protein. These shapes are responsible for important functions of the body including:

Building and repairing of tissues:

Protein is crucial for your body because it helps to form the cells and tissues and repair them as well. After injuries, your wounds and scars heal because of protein’s presence in your body. Building and repairing the tissues is one of the most important functions of protein in the body. 

Performs functions of enzymes:

Enzymes are catalysts that support chemical reactions in the body. Many enzymes in the body are made of protein. These enzymes help in various functions including digestion, production of energy and transportation of molecules throughout the body. 

Many hormones are proteins:

Hormones like insulin, growth hormones, pituitary hormones, and a few others are made of proteins. These hormones help in a variety of bodily functions including metabolism and reproduction. 

Proteins are antibodies:

Antibodies help defend the body from viruses and bacteria that cause infections and diseases like the common cold, flu, fever etc. 

Protein helps in transportation:

A few proteins, specifically hemoglobin, carry oxygen molecules throughout the body acting as a transport agent. 

Health benefits of protein:

Assorted high protein health food with grains, vegetables, dried fruit, almond yoghurt, supplement powders, nuts, seeds, rich in fibre, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Protein has multiple health benefits, a few of which are given below:

Weight loss and management:

Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a vital role in weight loss. Continuing on a high-protein diet is essential for weight management as well. Protein-rich foods will make you feel full and you will not feel the need to eat frequently. Feeling full will help you eat less, eventually decreasing your calorie consumption. 

Supports bone health:

Consuming protein will help to maintain bone mineral density. Eating a balanced diet with protein, calcium and vitamin D may help prevent osteoporosis. 

Control blood sugar levels:

Protein is beneficial because it regulates blood sugar levels. It is specifically advised to people with diabetes to include high protein foods in their diets. 

Protein helps to improve heart health:

Protein can help to lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure is a contributing factor for the risk of heart diseases. 

How to incorporate protein in your diet?

You should consider a few tips in order to include protein in your diet:

Include protein in every meal:

You should include protein sources in your diet in every meal. Eat a good breakfast including eggs, yogurt, nuts, or seeds. You can eat legumes, vegetables with whole grains for your lunch and dinner. 

Plan your every meal:

Planning your meals prior can help you avoid overeating and untimely eating. Making a plan can help you include foods packed with nutrients. You will know beforehand what you will be eating in your meals ensuring to add protein foods in your meals. 

Focus on plant-based foods:

Do not think that you will only get protein from animal-based foods. Foods like eggs are considered complete protein because they contain all the essential nine amino acids. But the people who do not want to consume animal-based protein do have a variety of options to choose from plant-based food sources. 

Consult a dietician:

To ensure you include the right amount of protein in your diet to meet your health goals, you should consult an expert. An expert in food is a nutritionist you know how food is going to help you get a fit and healthy body. 

A nutritionist will move with the weight loss/gain process in an organized way. They will assess you and give personal recommendations based on your health goals. 

You don’t just need protein but every essential nutrient in your diet. That is why you need to consume a balanced diet. A balanced diet includes all the essential nutrients that would keep your body healthy. 

High-Protein Indian Vegetarian Foods:

Indian cuisine is one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. Around 30% of the population in India is vegetarian. A vegetarian person does not include animal-based sources of food like eggs, chicken, lamb etc. 

Here is a list of few high-protein Indian vegetarian foods that you can incorporate into your diet:


Lentil soup in a white bowl

Dal is a staple in Indian cuisine  and one of the most prominent dishes of the Indian cuisine. Dal is basically lentils and lentils contain fiber that helps to feel full. High content of fiber in lentils helps in the digestive process as well and eases bowel movement. 


traditional national Indian food Paneer cheese cubes on a plate with cilantro on the table

Paneer is cottage cheese made of cow milk. It is not just a good source of protein but also of calcium. Paneer can be made into a variety of dishes. You can experiment with paneer and make curry paneer, grilled paneer or use paneer cubes in salads. 


Various assortment set of indian legumes in bowls on wooden background with copyspace.

Legumes are also a huge part of Indian cuisine. Kidney beans, black beans and chickpeas. These legumes are rich in protein and you can add them in curries, soups, salads etc. 

Nuts and seeds:

Heaps of various nuts

Add nuts and seeds in your vegetarian diet. You can take a handful of nuts in your breakfast/ nuts and seeds are a rich source of protein and also healthy fats. You can add nuts and seeds in yogurt, oatmeal, or salads. Almonds, peanuts, cashews and pumpkin seeds are some of the nuts and seeds good for your health. Also ensure you take expert’s guidance when adding nuts and seeds to your diet. 

Green peas:

Green peas in wooden bowl on blue wooden background. Top view

Green peas are also a good source of plant based-protein. Though they don’t have high protein content but is a common addition to Indian dishes. 

Why is Indian cuisine Healthy?

Indian food is healthy because of the following reasons:

Use of Vegetables and Legumes: 

healthy vegetables on wooden table

Indian cuisine is healthy because its major part comes from natural sources of food, especially from plants. Indian dishes use a variety of vegetables and lentils. Vegetables are a good source of essential nutrients like protein, fiber, folate and other minerals. 

Lentils are also a good source of fiber and protein that helps you feel full. Indian food promotes gut health and improves your overall health.  

Use of spices:

High angle indian spices with spoons

Indian cuisine uses spices and herbs not just to add flavor but provide medicinal benefits as well. There are multiple herbs and spices that have been in existence for 4000 years now. Turmeric, ginger, cumin, clove and other such spices have many health benefits. 

For example, turmeric is a widely used spice in Indian dishes that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties because of its active compound curcumin. 

Use of whole grains:

View of allergens commonly found in grains

Whole grains like roti, rice, wheat, bajra etc are whole grains that are a part of Indian cuisines. People eat these in addition with curries, stews, vegetables and more. Whole grains are complex carbs that are essential for your body to get energy. 

Use of healthy cooking methods:

Medium shot old woman celebrating tamil new year

Indian cooking methods involve cooking ingredients with herbs and spices and by using minimal oil. Cooking techniques like stir-frying, stewing and baking with minimal oil promotes retention of nutrients in the ingredients, hence ensuring that our body consumes essential nutrients through the food we eat. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Which dal is high in protein?

Ans. Moong dal, also known as green gram, has the highest protein content. You can get around 7-8 grams of protein from 100 grams of cooked moong dal.

Q. Which vegetable is high in protein?

Ans. Green peas have high protein content. You can also eat spinach, mushrooms, sprouts in your diet to get protein from vegetarian food sources.

Q. How much protein is needed per day?

Ans. The amount of protein per day with respect to the recommended dietary allowance for an adult is 0.8 grams. One should consult a dietician because the protein requirements for humans differ according to their health goals. 

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