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How Clean Eating Can Help With PCOS?

  • June 8, 2024

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where your ovaries produce androgen in more quantities. Androgen is a male hormone that is why when a woman's ovaries produce androgen they face reproductive issues. PCOS is basically the hormonal imbalance that may develop cysts in the ovaries. You know clean eating can help with PCOS. 

Gradient menopause infographic

Reasons for PCOS:

The exact reason for PCOS has not been known yet. But there could be some reasons that cause PCOS:

Insulin resistance:

Insulin resistance can be a reason for PCOS because in such conditions, the body does not produce enough insulin. Insulin resistance leads to hormonal imbalance; hence leading to PCOS. 


Low-grade inflammation could be the reason for PCOS because it leads to hormonal imbalance. 


The condition of PCOS could be hereditary as well. If PCOS runs in your family, there are chances that the next generation can also develop it. 

Symptoms of PCOS:

The photo of uterus is on the woman's body, isolate on white background, Female anatomy concept

If you have the following symptoms, you should visit a health expert who can help you diagnose the accurate problem. Below are some of the symptoms of PCOS:

Irregular menstrual cycle:

People with PCOS will experience irregular periods or sometimes not at all. You might also experience prolonged periods that will last days when you will have them. 

Increased production of androgens:

The male hormone, androgen will be produced in increased quantities. This condition is also called hyperandrogenism. This can lead to hirsutism which means you will have hair on unwanted areas of your body. You will also experience acne and male-pattern baldness. 

Polycystic ovaries:

In the condition of PCOS, people will have large ovaries with numerous small cysts. Though, not all cases will have cysts because this condition is associated with hormonal imbalance. But some cases will have cysts which are follicles that failed to release eggs. 

Weight gain:

People with PCOS will find it difficult to manage their weight. Weight gain is one of the major symptoms. Hormonal imbalance makes it difficult for you to lose weight. 

But don’t worry, you can easily manage weight by incorporating a few changes in your life which will also help you to manage PCOS.

How to manage PCOS?

Menstrual calendar concept

PCOS is associated with hormonal imbalance. In order to manage this condition you need to make a few changes in your life. This will help you to manage PCOS and will also help to improve overall health. Here are a few changes that will help you:

Make healthy choices:

The first thing that you would need to focus on is making healthy choices for yourself. Healthy choices include choice of food, choice of physical activities and prioritizing your health. Choose clean eating habits, exercise regularly and ensure you are taking measures that support your health. 


You will be on medications in order to manage your PCOS. Usually, birth control pills are prescribed to manage PCOS because they help to regulate hormones so the ovaries can release the eggs. 

Chose what you eat wisely:

Food plays a crucial role in managing PCOS. What you eat will help to regulate hormones so you can manage the condition effectively. You will have to include some foods in more quantities while avoiding others that are not going to help you in any way. You java to focus on clean eating. A clean diet for PCOS will include a balanced diet that has all the natural ingredients and is packed with nutrients. 

Clean diet for PCOS

Choosing between healthy or unhealthy food

The foods that will help to manage your PCOS are:

High-fiber foods:

Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale and bell peppers.

Fruits: Berries are good for people with PCOS. You can also include apples, pears and citrus fruits. 

Whole grains: eat whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice and other whole wheat products to manage PCOS. 

Legumes: Eat legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans. 

Lean proteins:

Fish: You can choose from salmon, mackerel, and sardines because they are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. 

Poultry: Include skinless chicken and turkey. You can also eat egg whites> eat whole eggs but in moderate quantities. 

Plant-based protein: Plant-based protein includes tofu, tempeh, and edamame.

Eat healthy fats:

Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds are good sources of healthy fats. 

Avocadoes: they are good sources of monounsaturated fats. 

Olive oil: use olive oil for cooking and dressing because it is better than any other cooking oil.

Fatty fish: fishes are good sources of fats as well as omega-3 fatty acids. 

Foods with low glycemic index (GI):

Non-starchy vegetables: Broccoli, spinach and peppers are low GI vegetables that are good for people with PCOS. 

Whole grains: include whole grains like oats and barley. 

Fruits: fruits like apples, pears and berries. 

Foods with antioxidant properties:

Berries: Include blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries as they are rich sources of antioxidants. 

Nuts: almonds and walnuts are good sources of antioxidants. 

Dark chocolate: you have to stay away from sugary products that include chocolate. But dark chocolate that has 70% cocoa content is safe for you to consume. Ensure that you consume dark chocolate in moderate amounts. 

Green tea: green tea also has antioxidant properties and is good for your health. 

Foods to avoid:

If you have PCOS, you need to focus on a clean diet. There are some foods that you need to avoid to ensure the regulation of hormones:

Stay away from sugar:

Avoid sugar at all costs. You should avoid sweetened beverages as well like soda, sweetened teas, and juice. 

Refined carbohydrates are not good for you:

Refined carbs like white bread, pastries, and processed foods are not good for your health and would impact your hormone regulation. 

Limit the consumption of red meat:

Eating red meat like pork, lamb, mutton, beef should not be consumed frequently. 

Replace your high-sugar snacks:

Cookies, cakes, and candies all sound good to satisfy your taste buds, but you should avoid such high-sugar snacks because they are not good for your health. 

Avoid trans fats:

Your body needs to consume healthy fats, not trans fats. Avoid processed and fried foods that contain trans fats in high quantities. 

Some additional tips to follow:

While managing PCOS you will encounter some challenges but by keeping a watch at what you eat and what you do in your daily life, you can manage the condition. You will be on medications and for them to work effectively you would have to consider a few things as well. 

Eat clean:

As discussed above, people need to follow a clean diet for PCOS. A clean diet includes healthy foods that come from natural sources. Fruits, vegetables, poultry, and whole grains are all a part of a clean diet. A clean diet for PCOS will help to regulate your hormones because it helps to address inflammation. 

Stay hydrated:

Ensure you have enough water intake because it can help you feel full and avoid unnecessary eating. You can also try herbal teas, detox water, or other weight loss drinks as an alternative to plain simple water. 

Monitor how much you eat:

You have to keep a watch on your portion sizes that will help you to manage your weight and blood sugar levels. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I drink milk with PCOS?

Ans. You should avoid drinking excess milk because it may increase the production of androgens. 

Can I read rice with PCOS?

Ans. You can eat brown rice if you have PCOS. but do not include white rice in your diet. 

Are eggs bad for PCOS?

Ans. No, eggs are not bad for PCOS. However, you should eat egg whites and you should eat whole eggs moderately. 

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