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How Does Alcohol Affect Your Weight?

Alcohol's impact on weight gain
  • June 10, 2024

If you drink alcohol, you must have heard to keep the consumption in moderate amounts. It is because it has multiple disadvantages for your health, one of them being weight gain. If you are a person who is looking to lose some weight, you need to limit or avoid the consumption of alcohol in your daily life. There are other disadvantages of consuming alcohol, but before going into that, let’s get an overview of alcohol. 

Hand drawn beer bottle drawing element

Types of alcohol

Alcoholic drinks and glasses vector illustrations set. Liquor bottles of different shapes with labels, whiskey, rum, wine isolated

Beer: Beer is made from fermented grains and contains 4-6% of alcohol by volume (ABV).

Wine: Wine is made from fermented grapes or other fruits. It contains 12-15% ABV.

Spirits (Liquor): beverages like whiskey, vodka, rum and gin are distilled spirits and contain 40% ABV or more. 

Drinking alcohol is a social activity. Of course you will like to drink and dance with your friends or family, but keep a note of how much you consume. Be aware of the risks associated with drinking. 

There are short-term and long-term effects of alcohol. Short-term effects are experienced just after alcohol is in your system and long-term effects could be seen after frequent drinking for months or years or even weeks if you are a heavy alcohol consumer. 

Here is a list of a few short-term effects of alcohol:

Short-term effects of drinking alcohol:

Addiction composition with doodle human characters of addicted people drinking alcoholic beverage drinks with prohibition signs vector illustration

It makes you feel relaxed:

Usually people drink alcohol not just in social gatherings but to feel relaxed as well. Alcohol tends to create a feeling of relaxation and happiness. 

It impairs your judgment:

Alcohol has severe effects on decision-making and judgments. This leads to risky behaviors and you might end up doing something you didn’t want to do. 

It affects coordination and reaction time:

Alcohol also impairs your motor skills. You might end up in an accident because it affects your reaction time, That is why it is illegal to drink and drive. 

It leads to hangover:

Hangovers are the aftermath of consuming alcohol in high quantities. When the alcohol wears off people experience headaches, nausea, fatigue and dehydration. 

Long-term effects of drinking alcohol:

Addiction treatment recovery and rehabilitation Lifethreatening condition Person in depression addicted to drugs alcohol Drink man chained to alcohol bottle Strong hangover Alcoholism therapy

Your liver can be damaged:

Drinking alcohol in high quantities could lead to liver damage. You might develop issues like fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis. 

You may face heart problems:

Chronic alcohol use can lead to high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy and an increased risk of stroke. 

You will develop mental health issues:

Long-term heavy drinking could be a factor leading to depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders. You might become addictive to it and develop alcohol use disorder (AUD) which if impair your social functioning leading to major issues like personality disorders, schizophrenia or you might also get suicidal. Due to your poorly affected cognitive functions, you might also experience memory loss and reduced ability to clear thinking.  

You can become addictive:

Alcohol can be addictive. If you have started drinking in more quantities, you might find it difficult to stop. Addiction of alcohol can lead to alcohol dependence and abuse disorders. People even die because of their alcohol addiction. 

According to a report by WHO published in 2022, there has been an increase of 25.5% fatalities from the year 2019 to 2020 due to alcohol in the US. 

Overall deaths worldwide happen due to alcohol use which counts up to 5.3% of deaths in the world. 

You will be at risk of cancers:

Alcohol consumption is a leading factor contributing to an increased risk of certain cancers associated with mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon and breast. 

You will risk your pancreases:

Frequent and heavy alcohol use can lead to pancreatitis. In simple words alcohol can cause inflammation of your pancreas which could be life threatening. 

Your immune system will weaken:

Your immune system is working to protect against many diseases and infections. Rapid alcohol consumption can cause severe damage to your immune system by making it weak. Your body will often fall sick if the immune system is not working properly. 

You will experience social and behavioral consequences:

You have read that alcohol impairs judgment as it is its short term side effect. But this short-term effect can cause huge problems for you because it will lead to risky behavior, accidents and injuries. 3.2% of deaths are caused due to alcohol. In 2022, 13,524 people died because of drunk driving in the US. 

Drinking will also cause problems in your relationships with family, friends and colleagues due to behavioral changes and conflicts. People also show aggressive behavior which increases the likelihood of being violent. Such behavior is a contributing factor to domestic violence and other violent issues. 

You will face financial issues:

You will face health issues because of the overconsumption of alcohol which will lead to an increase in healthcare expenses. You may also lose your job because of the behavioral issues or because of the lack of productivity that you will face due to heavy alcohol consumption. 

Alcohol’s impact on body weight

Low self-esteem woman looking into the mirror


Understanding these disadvantages highlights the importance of moderating alcohol consumption and being mindful of its potential impacts on various aspects of life.

Alcohol can significantly affect body weight in several ways, both directly and indirectly. Here’s a detailed look at how alcohol impacts body weight:

High calorie content:

Alcohol has high calorie content which contributes to weight gain. Regular alcohol has around 7 calories per gram. So if you want to lose weight maybe start from where you are getting more calories even if you argue that you drink moderately. 

Alcohol consumption also contributes to an increased calorie intake because it is mixed with other drinks like soda, juice, syrups that further increases the calorie intake. 

The metabolic process:

Your metabolism works to burn fats, carbs and proteins but when you consume alcohol, it prioritizes metabolizing alcohol rather than other macronutrients. This slows down the process of breaking down fats, carbs and proteins which is then stored in the body for a long time. This way more fat is stored in your body because it is not burning for energy. 

Increase in appetite:

The first thing that you stop consuming if you want to lose weight is to avoid alcohol because it plays a role in increasing the appetite. An increased appetite will lead to overeating. Also, when alcohol impairs your judgment, you will crave for unhealthy, high-calorie food. You will eat snacks that are high in saturated fat, carbs and sugar. 

Impact on hormones:

Alcohol consumption leads to hormonal change in your body. It increases the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. This could lead to weight gain. You will experience fat accumulation especially around the abdominal. 

Stress also impacts hunger hormones. It increases the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone and  decreases the production of leptin, the hormone that suppresses hunger. It leads to an increased food intake. 

Disruption in sleep:

Alcohol also disturbs your sleep patterns. A disrupted sleeping pattern will lead to poor quality of sleep. This will eventually contribute to weight gain, because in order to reduce weight you need to focus on improving your sleep patterns. 

Responsible drinking tips:

  • You should drink in moderation so you can avoid the risks associated with alcohol consumption. For an adult woman it is advised to consume one drink per day and for men, 2 drinks per day. But in order to lose weight, you have to avoid consuming alcohol on a daily basis. 
  • People who are pregnant should avoid drinking as it is not just bad for you but bad for your baby’s health. 
  • If someone is on medications that interact with medicines, you have to avoid alcohol at all costs. For better guidance consult your doctor or a medical expert. 
  • Do not consume alcohol if you are planning to drive. Drinking and driving is prohibited under law and is a major reason for road accidents. 
  • If you are in a social gathering, you can choose alternatives that do not have alcohol content. Choose mocktails over alcoholic drinks. 
  • Be responsible with the intake of alcohol, as it can impair your judgment, push you to violent behavior or could cause hangovers which could prove to be brutal for your health. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How bad is alcohol consumption for you?

Ans. Alcohol consumption is bad for you in all terms. It has both short-term and long-term effects. One can experience, hangovers to end up getting cancer, depression, or suicidal due to heavy alcohol use. 

How much alcohol is safe?

Ans. Considering safety concerns, men can drink up to 2 drinks in a day and women up to 1 drink a day. But drinking daily could lead to you being alcohol dependent. 


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