Indian Meal Plans Advice

How To Lose 4 kgs of Weight in One Month?

Written by Gurmohan Ahuja | May 31, 2024 7:50:00 AM

How do you plan to lose weight? By running? Gyming? Burning yourself out? By cutting your food? But the real question is how much weight you want to lose in a particular time period. The ideal goal is to lose 0.5-1 kgs of weight in a week. That will count up to losing 4 kgs of weight in one month. So, let’s get the answer to the right question, that is, “how to lose 4 kgs of weight in one month?”

It is easy for a person to lose 4 kgs of weight given they make necessary changes in their lifestyle. A person should aim to lose only around 5-10% of their body fat in a month. The major changes will include exercising regularly and eating a clean diet. 

Here are some of the life changes you need to incorporate in your life to lose 4 kgs of weight in a month:

Manage your sleep schedule:

Sleep is an essential element when it comes to losing weight. You need to improve your sleep cycle to get the right amount and quality of sleep. Sleeping on time and waking up at the same time will help regulate your hunger hormone levels, helping in a decrease in its production. 

Sleeping late would lead to untimely meal intake. Ensure you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. 

Start to manage your stress:

You need to make sure you are not stressed about anything and if something is bothering you to that extent, work out around it. Stress management is essential in the weight loss journey. Stress could be a major contributor to weight gain. 

Indulge in stress management activities like yoga, going out, meeting new people and gaining new experiences. Journaling is also a good start to manage and reduce your stress. 

Start moving your body frequently:

Make it mandatory to walk a certain number of steps daily. Start from small and include regular walks in your schedule. If you are already going on walks then take a step further and add running in your routine. 

Start doing your chores like you are doing exercises. Set a time to complete a particular task so you can do it actively. Take walks while attending calls. Take small walks in office breaks, do more physical activities than before and make sure you involve yourself in activities that include moving your body. Try yoga, swimming, running, or gym that will help you burn calories. 

Watch your calorie intake:

Weight loss is associated with burning calories. Burning calories will be effective if your intake is already less. Watch your calorie intake so it can lead to losing weight. Less calories will take less time to burn. But that does not mean you cut out your meals in an unreasonable amount. 

Consult an expert and they will assign you the right amount of calories to consume. 

Be vary of what you eat:

You have to choose clean foods that come from natural sources. Ensure that you avoid processed, refined foods and trans fats when starting your weight loss journey. 

Eat a balanced diet that is packed with nutrients that will help your body function properly. These nutrients are effective for you as they will contribute to the improvement of your overall health. 

Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of water and fluids that will keep you hydrated. Water intake is essential for your body. A hydrated body functions properly and it also contributes to burning calories. 

Replace your caffeinated and sugary beverages with water, detox water, weight loss drinks or herbal teas. It will help you give your body alternative to water and meet the required water intake. 

Avoid sugar:

When you are working to shed off some pounds you need to stay away from sugar. Sugar is a major contributor to weight gain. Avoid sugary drinks, cakes, pastries, etc. 

Replace your sugary food with healthy options. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet instead of sugary snacks. Replace your sugary drinks with water, detox water, healthy smoothies, or herbal teas. 

Eat more fiber:

Include more fiber in your food. Fiber helps to make you feel full, eventually helping you to control your hunger. The less hungry you feel the less food you will eat which will eventually lead to low calories intake. 

Include fibrous food in your diet that will help regulate bowel movement as well improving your overall digestive health. 

Macronutrients are essential:

All the three macronutrients, namely protein, fats and carbohydrates are essential for your body to function. When you will be losing weight, you would need all these macronutrients along with other vitamins and minerals and micronutrients. 

People have this notion of cutting protein to lose weight. But protein plays an important role in weight loss. Proteins are the building blocks of our body; that is why keeping a diet balanced with all the macro and micro nutrients along with other vital nutrients is essential. 

Consult a dietician:

When you are starting to lose weight you would need expert guidance. Professionals know more about the human body, nutrition and how nutrition is going to affect your fitness goals. 

A certified nutritionist will help to craft a balanced meal that is packed with nutrients. These nutrients are essential for your body to function. Also they will improve your overall health. 

How will a nutritionist help you to lose weight?

A nutritionist helps you to craft a balanced meal keeping in mind your necessities and preference. The diet planned by a nutritionist will include all the nutrients and calories in the right amount. A balanced diet will include a variety of food like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, lentils etc that will help improve your health. This is how a nutritionist will help you craft a meal:

First, they will assess you:

A nutritionist will assess you before planning a diet chart for you. The assessment will include meetings between you and your nutritionist in which they will ask you questions regarding your current lifestyle, eating habits, routine, physical activity etc. 

Based on this information they will go to the next step which is educating you. 

The next step is- education:

Your nutritionist will educate you on the subject of nutrition and why it is important for your body. A basic understanding of nutrition will help you understand your diet better. You will know why you are eating a certain food and why you should avoid eating some specific foods. You will also get to know which food consists of which nutrient and how it impacts your body.  

Then comes personalized recommendations:

The nutritionist will make personalized recommendations based on the assessment. They will make a diet that will be right for you considering your current lifestyle and your preferences. They will keep in mind your fitness goals and make sure you achieve them with the right food. 

The last but not least:

The last step will be monitoring and support from your nutritionist. While you are following your diet, the nutrition will make sure that the meal plan is aligning with goals. They will also see if you need any changes in your diet. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is it possible to lose 4 kgs of weight in a month?

Ans. Yes, it is possible for you to lose 4 kgs of weight in a month, requiring you to follow a routine; follow a balanced diet, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water and consult an expert nutritionist.

Q. How to lose 4 kgs of weight in a month without exercise?

Ans. You can lose 4 kgs of weight in a month without exercise with the help of a balanced diet. You will have to move your body more if you don’t want to indulge in exercising. Try walking for 30 minutes after every meal.

Q. Can walking help to lose weight?

Ans. Yes, walking can help you to reduce weight by helping you burn around 150 calories.

Q. How long does it take to lose weight?

Ans. One should focus on losing 5-10% of body weight in a month. It will take one month for you to lose around 2-4 kgs of weight in a month followed by eating a balanced diet, making lifestyle changes and exercising regularly.