Indian Meal Plans Advice

Lose 1 Kg of Weight in a Day

Written by Gurmohan Ahuja | Jun 1, 2024 8:19:00 AM

Do you know that one should focus on losing only 2-4 kg of weight in a month? This means one should focus on losing only 0.5-1 kg of weight in a week! What were you thinking? Losing 1 kg in a day? Isn’t that too harsh for you?


Weight loss could be an overwhelming journey. People want results and they want them instantly. Little do they know that instant weight loss results are not that effective. You don’t just need to lose weight but also get in a fit body. You cannot achieve a fit body if you will not provide it with nutrient rich food. 

Losing 1 kg weight in a day is an unreasonable and unattainable goal. Weight loss is a process and it is a slow one. Make sure you incorporate healthy habits in your life to actually lose some weight. 

Losing weight is not that difficult but one would need to be patient and consistent with this process. Why don’t you try to keep a reasonable goal when it comes to losing weight? Again, losing weight is not that tough. All you need to do is set a goal that you can achieve and don’t be so harsh on your body. 

Here are a few things you can do to lose weight:

Set a goal:

You first need to set a goal when it comes to losing weight. Set a small goal first. Educate yourself because losing weight is fine but not in the wrong ways. Set small goals that will help you to achieve your fitness goals. Start with something small like losing 0.5-1 kg of weight in a week. That will comprise losing 2-4 kg of weight in a month. 

According to a survey in 2023, around 45% of the total population was trying to lose weight. Losing weight is a right thing to do but set goals that can be achieved. You can only produce good results if you will be consistent with your routine. 

Maintain a routine:

Follow a routine. Start doing things by setting a particular time. Begin with your sleep schedule and meal time. Prepare a time table in which you will do a particular thing. 

For example, having breakfast within 30-40 minutes of waking up. Or having breakfast between 7 a.m to 8 a.m. A routine will help you control your hunger; therefore letting you consume less calories. 

Replace unhealthy food:

You would not lose your weight if you continue to have unhealthy foods and eating habits. Replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. 

Unhealthy foods comprises all the fried, processed and refined foods. You crackers, chips, burgers, cakes and candies are unhealthy for you and a major contributor to weight gain. 

Replace these unhealthy foods with healthy ones and include a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and lentils, herbs and spices like ginger, turmeric, cardamom etc in your daily life. 

You will also have to avoid sugary drinks, sodas, alcoholic beverages if you want to lose weight effectively. Replace these drinks with water, detox drinks, weight loss drinks, healthy smoothies and herbal teas. 

Maintain a sleep cycle:

If you want to lose some weight you also need to maintain a good sleep cycle in order to get quality sleep with optimal quantity. A lot of people struggle to get a quality sleep because they are not not sleeping enough in the first place. 

An adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep daily and not just once in a while. You would be surprised to know that in Canada, one third of adults get less sleep than required. 

Maintaining a sleep cycle includes waking up and sleeping at the same time every day. For example, start by sleeping early, like, go to bed between 9:30 p.m to 10:30 p.m everyday and wake up between 6:30 a.m to 7:30 a.m. for some days your might feel like you are not getting enough sleep but once your body will adapt to a sleeping routine you feel experience quality sleep. 

Along with quality sleep you are also avoiding untimely eating. When you are sleeping on time, your body will not produce the hunger hormone called ghrelin. Hence you will not eat more than required by your body. 

Start moving your body more:

Do you attend your phone calls sitting on a chair? Yes, you do. In fact everyone does. But if you are the one who wants to lose weight effectively, try to change this habit. Try to move your body more. How can you do that? Well, it's simple. Move your body whenever you can. In this case, attend your phone call and walk while talking. Try not to attend even a 5 minute phone call while sitting. 

Similarly, do chores actively. Set a time for every chore. For example, decide to fold your laundry in 10 minutes. Or do the dishes in 10 minutes. Vacuum the house in 20 minutes. Take stairs instead of elevators and so on. Start small to see a big difference.

Moving your body more will help you burn more calories. Don’t rely on exercises only, in order to lose weight you have to make your body active. Get up from that couch and attend your phone call. Don’t sit on your beds for hours because you are working remotely. Take breaks, stretch your body and keep going. Small habits make a big difference. 

Focus on a good diet:

To lose weight ensure you are eating the right food. The right food consists of healthy food that comes from natural sources of food. For example, fruits and vegetables, eggs, lean meats, nuts and seeds, legumes and lentils etc. 

A good diet plays a crucial role in weight loss. A clean diet is the key to weight loss because it contains all the essential nutrients that your body needs to function. A clean diet will comprise protein, fiber, healthy fats, carbohydrates, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. 

You need to have all the essential nutrients for your body to function properly and support weight loss. And if you will cut all this nutrition just because you think you can lose 1 kg of weight in a day, you should think twice before thinking about this aggressive and unachievable goal. 

Exercise daily:

Start exercising. This can be as simple as jogging in the morning or in the evening. Or it could involve going to the gym to lift some weights. Combine good food habits with exercising and you will experience the benefits of both of them by losing weight. 

If you don’t want to start the gym right away, you can start by going for a run, or exercising at home. You can also try yoga for weight loss and overall health. Exercising regularly will help you to burn calories. Burning calories helps to reduce weight. 

A rigorous workout leads to burnout that will badly affect your health. No amount of workout can help you lose 1 kg of weight in just a day, so don’t even think to push your body that far. 

Consult a nutritionist:

If you want to lose weight effectively, you need a good diet and a routine. Consulting an expert who has knowledge of the subject can help you get a better understanding of nutrition and how it helps you in achieving your fitness goals. Don’t aim to lose 1 kg of weight in a day but aim for losing a reasonable amount of weight. For this consult a nutritionist

A nutritionist will help in making a diet plan keeping in mind your preferences and your fitness goals. A human’s body responds differently to each type of diet. A nutritionist will help you to make a diet by assessing your current lifestyle and focusing on your health goals that you want to achieve. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can you lose 2kg in a day?

Ans. You can lose 2 kg of water from your body by using the sauna method. But one cannot lose 2 kg of body fat in a day. 

Q. How can I lose 500 g of weight in a day?

Ans. In order to lose 500 g of weight, you would need to follow a good diet that comprises a balanced diet packed with all the nutrients. You also need to indulge yourself into exercises. However, you cannot lose 500 g in a day but definitely in a week. 

Q. Is losing 0.5 kg in a day healthy?

Ans. Losing 0.5 kg in a day is not a realistic goal. You can lose 0.5 kg of weight in a week. Aim the weight loss for a week, follow a proper diet, avoid processed foods and sugar in anyform, exercise daily and you will experience weight loss within a month.

Q. Is a 3 km walk good for weight loss?

Ans. Walking is an effective way to lose weight. A 3 km walk could be a starting point of your weight loss journey. Start walking for at least 30 minutes after every meal.