Reasons for Fluctuating Body Weight

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Are you tired of experiencing fluctuating body weight? You must be thinking that even after trying everything, your body weight still fluctuates, right? Well, you are worrying for the wrong reasons. Fluctuating body weight is common. If you are experiencing it throughout the day, then it’s not your body fat that is fluctuating. Also, there could be a number of factors leading to fluctuating body weight. So, let’s answer your question: why does your body weight fluctuate throughout the day? 

Before and after weight gain and weight loss thin and fat woman on the scales electronic scales

Here is a list of reasons that could be a contributing factor in body weight fluctuations:

Water weight:

The major reason for fluctuating body weight is fluid retention. Fluid retention is when your body stores extra water in your body for various reasons. An adult body consists of 50-60% water weight. Your body weight fluctuates throughout the day because of the water retention that could be because of high sodium intake, dehydration or overhydration, or due to hormonal changes. So, now you know what causes water retention. 

Dietary approaches:

The fluctuations in your body weight could be because of the amount of food you consume. For weight management you need to eat small portions of food with regular intervals, instead of eating a plateful of food in one go. 

Body weight fluctuations could be the reason for the foods you chose to eat as well. For instance, carbs and salts can lead to water retention in your body leading to weight gain. Even high-fibrous foods lead to weight gain until they are processed; that is why you should watch your portion while consuming food. 


If you are indulged in exercising or physical activity you may gain muscle weight that will impact your overall weight. But since you are exercising regularly, you will also shed body fat, so there is no reason to worry. When one is training their body, they will experience denser muscles leading to weight gain. 

Exercising and physical activities also lead to depletion in glycogen stores. Glycogen is a form of glucose stored in the liver and muscles which is used to produce energy. 

Digestive process:

Digestive process could be a contributing factor for weight fluctuations because of the weight of food and waste product in the digestive tract. Even your irregular bowel movements could be a contributing factor for weight fluctuations because the waste product is not getting out of your system. 


Weight fluctuations could also be the result of some medications. Consuming some medications do contribute to weight gain. For better understanding of your medication’s side effects, you should talk to your doctor. 

Sleep pattern:

Your sleep pattern could lead you to gain weight. If you are not getting proper sleep it will affect your hormonal balance, resulting in weight gain. Poor sleep increases the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone that increases your hunger and prompts you to eat at any time of the day. That is why you gain weight. 

Stress levels:

If you are going through stressful; situations, you would gain some weight because it leads to emotional eating and craving for salts and carbs. Both these foods will contribute to gaining weight. Stress also plays a role in hormonal imbalance, leading to an increase in hunger. 

Metabolic rate:

Your metabolism changes with age, hormonal changes or health conditions. A change in metabolic rate can cause weight fluctuations. Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body breaks down the food.  

Health conditions:

Several health conditions like thyroid and other chronic diseases like heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes could be a major contributor to weight gain. PCOS is also a condition that contribute in wieght gain. 

Climate and weather:

Climate and weather could also be a contributing factor to weight gain or even weight loss. In summers, people usually tend to lose weight because there is a lot of sweating while in cold weathers people gain weight because the food intake is increased. 

How to control weight fluctuations?

Gender equality concept

Weight fluctuations are normal, but if you are experiencing it frequently, you should visit a medical expert who can diagnose you for any underlying health issue. But there are some ways you can try to control weight fluctuations:

Maintain a balanced diet:

You need to avoid skipping meals. If you skip one meal you will eat more in the next one. It would be better for you to eat at regular intervals and follow consistent eating patterns. 

Make sure you are tracking the intake of high-sodium food and refined carbs to minimize water retention. 

When experts suggest drinking plenty of water they mean to drink lots of water throughout the day. Do not consume excessive amounts of water in a short amount of time because it will lead to bloating. 

Plan a balanced diet so you can get all the essential nutrients throughout the day. A balanced diet consists of a mix of nutrients that are essential to your body. With a balanced diet, you will be consuming all three essential macronutrients, carbs, fat and protein, fiber, minerals, and vital vitamins. 

Indulge in exercising:

You can control body weight fluctuations by regular exercising. Regular exercising helps you to burn calories that will help to lose weight from your body. Indulge in physical activities including cardio and strength training activities. Cardio includes running, skipping, swimming that will help you burn calories effectively. 

On the other hand, strength training will help you to improve your metabolism that will lead to increase in the metabolic rate. 

Monitor your fluid intake:

Drink lots of water but do it throughout the day instead of drinking large amounts in one go. You will feel bloated if you do that. And it will also contribute to temporary weight gain. It will keep you hydrated and also avoid water weight in your body. 

Manage stress:

Stress is a major contributor to weight gain. Practice activities that can help you to manage stress. Activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises or other relaxation activities can help you to manage stress activity. If you feel the need to go to an expert, you should definitely do it. Experts can guide you better on how to manage stress. 

Improving your sleep schedule will also help to reduce stress. Quality sleep of 7-9 hours can make you relaxed throughout the day because you will be well rested. Also, better sleep helps to decrease the production of stress hormones, particularly cortisol. 

Educate yourself:

It is important to know about your body. Understand that there is a difference between water weight, temporary weight gain, and body fat. All these are contributing factors for weight gain. 

You do not have to worry constantly about fluctuating body weight because that is temporary. But it is essential to keep a track of your weight. 

Weight yourself regularly in the morning before eating. Stick to long-term trends of weight loss rather than focusing on weight fluctuations that are normal. This way you will get a better sense of weight management. 

Consult a medical expert:

Ensure to consult a health expert if you have underlying symptoms of an illness. Even if you are taking medications, you might gain weight. Talk to your doctor who can guide you better. 

Make a note to get regular checkups so if there is any underlying health issue, it can be detected in time. 

Avoid extreme diets:

Do not go for extreme diets, fad diets or quick fixes. You won’t lose body weight in a day, no matter how much people claim it. Losing weight is a slow process so make sure you take a balanced approach. A balanced approach to nutrition will help you maintain your weight and reduce body fluctuations. 

How to stabilize your weight?

sporty woman lifting a heavy weight barbell with fruit and weight scale

If you are concerned about your body weight fluctuations, these steps can helps you stabilize your weight in long run:

Track your weight:

Tracking your weight is a way to get a better understanding of body weight in the long run. Weigh yourself daily at the same time every day, preferably in the morning before eating anything. You can use a journal or an app to track your weight. 

Evaluate your diet:

Keep track of what you eat. Maintain a diet that will help you to keep up with your health goals. Eating on schedule will help you to maintain stable energy levels and also boost your metabolism. 

A balanced diet has many benefits including getting adequate nutrients including vitamins, minerals and macronutrients. 

Avoid taking sodium and carbs so you can avoid water retention that causes you to temporarily gain weight. 

People with PCOS needs to make special dietary consideration because PCOS leads to weight gain. You need an effective meal plan for PCOS that can help you manage the conidition. 

Keep yourself hydrated:

Water is the key to stabilize your weight. Ensure to keep yourself hydrated and consume water consistently throughout the day. Meeting the fluid requirement of your body does not mean to drink large amounts of water at one time, instead aim for 8-10 glasses of water in a whole day. 

You also have to avoid the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol contribute to weight gain. 

Exercise daily:

You have to exercise daily so you can move your body frequently. Start with cardio exercises or indulge yourself in physical activities that you enjoy. Physical activities will help you burn your calories which is an effective way to lose weight. Exercising daily can help you to lose body fat as well. Consistent exercising can help you to lose 2-4 kg of weight in a month

Manage stress:

Stress is a leading contributor to weight gain. In order to stabilize your body weight you need to manage stress. It would help you to balance your hormones and stabilize your weight. Also, you need to focus on your sleep schedule that will help you to feel relaxed and stress-free. 

Consult a health expert:

If you are experiencing major weight fluctuations you should consult a medical expert who will provide you guidance and would check for underlying health issues. If you are on medications, it might be a reason for weight fluctuations. 

Consult with your doctor for better understanding of how weight fluctuation is the effect of those medications and how you can stabilize your weight in such situations. 

Mindful eating:

Choose mindful eating over emotional eating. Make informed food choices that will help you choose healthy food options that will play a crucial role in maintaining your body weight. Be attentive to your hunger and fullness cues and do not eat because of stress. 

Pay attention to your portion sizes as well and make sure you are eating healthy snacks and replacing chips, crackers, cookies, and ice-cream out of boredom or while watching your favorite show. It is advisable not to eat while watching screens or other distractions. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why does my weight fluctuate so much?

Ans. The reason for weight fluctuation is not just what you eat, but how much you eat, how often you move your body, what exercise you do, what medications you take. 

How much weight fluctuates in one day?

Ans. In a day, one can weight fluctuations of up to 2-3 kg depending on multiple factors. Weight fluctuating factors include the food you eat, what exercise you do, your medical conditions and what medication tea. 

Is it normal to gain 1 kg weight in a day?

Ans. It is normal to gain 1 kg in a day if you have consumed a large meal or sodium-rich food. Sich foods can lead to water retention in your body which will temporarily increase your weight.