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Nutrition and health

Clean Diet Plan for Weight Loss

What is clean eating? Does it mean the food that you are eating is not appropriate? Are we all eating dirty food for so...

Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

Congratulations! You are soon going to become a mother. Being a mother is an unmatched feeling. You are birthing...

Foods to Eat During Periods

Menstrual periods are natural and essential for a person’s life with a female reproductive system. It is a part of...

Weight Loss During Pregnancy

Weight loss during pregnancy is not suggested because a mother needs to maintain a healthy weight to support a healthy...

How to Loose Weight Water?

Water weight is the stored water that your body stores inside due to various reasons. Water weight leads to temporary...

A Beginner's Guide to Blue Zone Diet

Do you know, that a study found out that 95% of people who were 100 years old were on a plant-based diet. Yes, you read...

Things You Need to Know About Water Weight

An adult body’s weight is made of 50-60% of water. More than this will become your water weight. Water weight is the...

Meal Plan For Fatty Liver

Steatotic liver disease or Fatty liver disease (earlier name) simply means you have extra fat on your liver. The...

How Clean Eating Can Help With PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where your ovaries produce androgen in more quantities. Androgen is a...

Diet Plan For PCOS

PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects a woman's reproductive system because of hormonal...
Try Without Commitment

1 Week Trial Meal Plan

Enjoy science based nutritious Indian meal for a week to hit goals.