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Unveiling the Splendors of Moong Dal

Benefits of Moong Dal
  • March 6, 2024

Food-the essential for surviving. But look around you and ask yourself what you are consuming. We have been drowned in food that is not at all good for our health. Our body needs various nutrients that support the functioning of our bodies.

Essential nutrients

Every nutrient has its specific role in the functioning of our body and eating a balanced diet keeps us enriched with all the vital vitamins and minerals. There has been discussions and debates about fat, calories, consuming crabs and what not, without realizing that even these are essential parts of our diet and should be consumed because fats and calories are also a part of the balanced diet.

The emphasis on junk, fried, packed food has risen in recent years because of the fast-developing lifestyle where people are working and don’t have enough time to prepare their own food. Cooking for oneself is not in the trend anymore, it seems. 

People are trying to change their eating habits but the easy availability of such food is making it difficult for them to switch. But switching from poor food eating habits and inculcating good food and a balanced diet is not as difficult as you think.

Food with a good nutritional profile will benefit you in multiple ways. Today we are going to talk about the most essential part of Indian traditional cuisine-dal (lentils). And not just any lentil, but the most popular- moong dal or mung beans. Dal -chawal has been the staple food of the Indian continent since centuries. Let’s dive into the world of moong dal to know the importance of it in food. 

If you're working on achieving the goal of healthy living, you have to focus on the food that you eat. With the right guidance you can improve your lifestyle just by changing what you eat and how you eat. Your approach to the food is what makes all the difference. 

Now the dilemma is what food is good for you. It is better for a person to consult a dietician for better nutrition because they can guide you how to incorporate food in a balanced diet. 

Moong dal:

Moong dal

Moong dal is an integral part of the Indian diet because of its renowned versatility, nutritional richness, and delightful taste. Moong dal has been vital not only for its nutritional richness but for health benefits as well. 

Moong dal has been known to be a part of the Indian diet but it has been eaten in South Asian countries for years as well. It is said that moong dal was first cultivated in Harappan civilization dating back to 4500 years ago. 

Mung bean is a popular food in other countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and even China. 

Mung bean is a part of the legume family which is green in color. There are various moong dal as well. The first one is a whole mung bean that is green in color.

Then comes the split mung bean that is yellow in color and as the name suggests, it is split in half and is popularly cooked with rice across the countries it is popular in. Split moong dal get their color because the outer skin is torn leaving its inner shell of yellow color. 

Moong dal is also used as mung bean flour, usually used for making pancakes, bread, and other baked edible stuff. 

Moong dal is a nutritional bonanza that is celebrated all over the world for having such a multi-packed nutrient profile. They are rich in protein, making them a vegetarian’s all-time favorite plant-based protein source. 

Apart from protein, moong dal has a plethora of minerals and vitamins including calcium, magnesium, fiber, folate, and whatnot. Here is the nutritional profile of one cup, that is 202 grams of boiled moong dal:

  • With a high quantity of protein, that is 14.2 grams, moong dal also contains 212 calories and a minimum of 0.8 grams of fat. 
  • You will find 38.7 grams of carbohydrates and 15. 4 grams of fiber in 202 grams of moong dal. 
  • There is 30% manganese and 245 magnesium with 22% vitamin B1, and 20% phosphorus.
  • 16% of iron and copper can be found in 202 grams of moong dal. Potassium 15% and zinc 11% also make the list of essential nutrients in one cup of boiled moong dal. 
  • Along with all these vital minerals and vitamins, there are vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and selenium present in moong dal. You will also find some of the essential amino acids that one can only get by eating food.

The way you consume moong dal will also change the nutritional value of the food. There are multiple ways you can consume moong dal including sprouting, cooking, soups salads, which we will discuss later in this article. 

Health benefits of moong dal:

health benefits of Moong dal

Before exploring the culinary versatility of moong dal let’s talk about the multiple health benefits that you will get after adding it to your diet. 

The best source of protein:

Protein is vital for the human body as it is the building block of the human body. Animal-based food products provide you with the maximum amount of protein. However, not everyone includes animal products in their diet. 

Moong dal is the best option for vegans and vegetarians to include in their balanced diet. They can use moong dal in various ways to consume. Vegans and vegetarians can include moong dal to not only get the benefits of protein but other essential nutrients as well. Moong dal is a great source of plant-based protein

Helps with weight loss:

If you are on the journey of weight loss, you need to have healthy food in your diet. And what could be healthier than the light and easy-to-cook moong dal? With the varied culinary options available one would not claim to get bored by eating the same food on their weight loss journey.

People have this misconception where they think they have to cut the protein to lose weight. But when one is hell bound on reducing weight, they have to cut the fat from the body. Protein helps to maintain lean muscle mass and helps burn fat as well. 

Improve heart health:

The magnesium, potassium, and fiber in moong dal promote healthy blood pressure ensuring a healthy heart. Blood pressure is the reason for cardiac arrests and it is essential to maintain blood pressure. 

If a person is already at risk of heart health or has high blood pressure, including moong dal could be an effective way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will also be protected against chronic heart diseases as moong dal also helps keep cholesterol levels low. 

A good option for a diabetic person:

A diabetic person has to be wary of what they eat. Diabetes is a chronic condition that will have a negative impact on the heart, eyes, and kidneys in the near future. In order to prevent such a negative impact on health it is essential to incorporate good food in your life.

A diabetic person should always eat clean and healthy food that would help keep their blood sugar levels in control. There are numerous options of food to add to a diabetic person’s diet plan. Moong dal is one of them. 

The high fiber content in moong dal will slow down your digestion which will prevent spikes in your blood sugar levels; it also helps slow down absorption of carbohydrates as well. 

Diabetic is a condition in which a person’s body becomes insulin resistant but the protein in moong dal improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of insulin resistance. 

Good impact on digestive health:

Fiber helps improve digestive health. The food containing fiber has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the gut reducing any risk associated with digestive health. 

Moong dal has soluble fiber that absorbs water and electrolytes promoting regular and easy bowel movements. The insoluble fiber in moong dal reduces the risk of gastrointestinal disorders

Eating moong dal will also help you to prevent bloating and maintain and regulate body fluid balance. Moong dal acts as a prebiotic that helps with the growth of good bacteria in your small intestine which is responsible for maintaining the overall health of your gut. 

Improves skin and hair:

We are always worried about our cranky skin and hair fall. Looking for solutions outside without realizing that it is our diet that needs to be changed You can get multiple skin and hair benefits by just adding moong dal to your balanced diet. 

The protein content in moong dal promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall. It also improves scalp health. 

Your skin health will improve with moong dal because it has vitamins that promote collagen synthesis. It also has antioxidants that help fight acne and other skin blemishes that people have to face and you will feel an improved skin texture. 

You will be surprised to know mung bean paste can be used as a home remedy to improve both skin and hair health in many parts of the world. Mung bean paste is used on the scalp to reduce dandruff as well. 

Culinary versatility:

Front view pakistan food arrangement

With such vast health benefits, moong dal's culinary potential knows no bounds. Dal-chawal has been a comfort food in India for years. People have developed numerous ways to add moong dal to their diet ranging from curry to salad, to a munching snack. 

Moong dal can be explored from simple, comforting food to elaborate dishes by adopting various cooking techniques and flavor profiles. 

Prepare moong dal in the following ways:

1. Dal Tadka: 

Dal tadka is one of the most popular forms of food that you can include in your balanced diet. Dal tadka features cooked moong dal with aromatic spices like cumin, mustard seeds, garlic, red chili, and salt. 

You can have it with rice or rotis for your lunch or dinner. This is an easy-to-make recipe enriched with mouth-watering flavors that will not only satisfy your hunger but should as well. 

2. Moong Dal Khichdi:

One more comfort food added to your list- mung bean khichdi! Mung bean khichdi is an easy-to-make recipe because it is a one-pot meal. You combine moong dal with rice and some vegetables with a pinch of spices and you have your comfort food right in front of you.

Since moong dal is light on your digestive system, mung bean khichdi accounts for being one gentle meal in times of illness. And it does satisfy your satiety. 

3. Moong Dal Chilla:

A chilla is a kind of pancake with a savory touch to it. Mung bean chillas can be a great option for breakfast. You have to prepare mung bean batter by grinding moong dal in a mixer and adding the required water.

You have to add spices for flavors and vegetables to the batter to make it more delicious. It is full of vitamins and minerals making it a nutritious food choice in the morning. 

4. Moong Dal Halwa:

Did you imagine, the culinary versatility of moong dal would extend to the world of desserts? Moong dal is ground to make this delicate dessert by adding sugar to give a sweet mouth-watering flavor. 

Adding cardamom and nuts would add to the flavors and taste of this dessert. Diabetic people need to avoid this dessert because you should not include sugary food products in your diet. 


The nutritional richness and culinary benefits of moong dal make it one of the most comforting foods for people. Adding such a plant-based food product to your diet would help you have multiple nutrients essential for your body.

The benefits provided by moong dal have no bounds, and you can even eat it as a whole meal. The various flavors used in the preparation of moong dal make it a colorful tapestry in your balanced diet. You can enjoy moong dal in a humble bowl of curry or as a sweet dessert for your tastebuds. 

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