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Nutritious & Authentic Vegan Meals

Toronto's first science-based Vegan meal prep for our NRI diaspora

Experience the convenience of healthy, plant-based eating without the hassle.

Toronto's Premier Vegan Meal Plans Delivered to Your Doorstep

Healthy, Nutritious and Authentic

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy, plant-based diet can be both time-consuming and challenging. Our Toronto-based vegan meal delivery service is here to change that. We offer a variety of delicious, nutritionally balanced vegan meal plans tailored to fit your lifestyle and dietary preferences. Whether you're a long-time vegan or just looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, our service provides the perfect solution. Each meal is carefully crafted by our team of expert chefs using locally sourced, organic ingredients, ensuring that you enjoy the freshest flavors with every bite. Say goodbye to meal prep and grocery shopping, and hello to more time enjoying the things you love. With our vegan meal plans, eating healthy has never been easier or more delicious.

Join our waitlist:

We are currently only serving existing customers in GTA. We will open new signups again on April 15. Please click here to join the waitlist to be notified via email/text.


Diet Counselling

Our certified nutritionist discuss your health goals and challenges and creates a meal plan for you - backed by science, hygienic and still delicious. 


Meal Preparation 

Our chefs prepare your meal as per the diet plan in a Health Canada certified kitchen while adhering the minimum and maximum temperature guidelines. 


We Deliver Your Meal

The meal is delivered to your home in a temperature controlled case.


Hit Your Goals

You're not left on your own. Our nutritionist will schedule review calls with you to discuss progress and/or any shift in goals.

Meet The Team

We are a team of doctors, nutritionists and chefs and above all, we are passionate about healthy lifestyle and nutritious Indian food.

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Dr. Barinder Kaur ( MBBS, MD - MEDICINE)

Medical Advisor

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Dr. Nafasjeet Singh (MBBS, MS - ENT - Allergy Specialist)

Medical Advisor

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Poornima Pandey

Certified Nutrition Coach

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Gurmohan Singh (PhD, PN1-NC)

Certified Nutrition Coach



For individuals who want to try out our science based Indian meals and service

  • Duration: 1 week
  • Meals per week: 12
  • Healthy snacks: Add-on
  • Customized nutrition
  • Dietician Support: Initial call
  • Delivery charges: $5 - $10 per week



Monthly science-based Indian meal plan based on your dietary requirements

  • Duration: 1 month
  • Meals per week: 12
  • Healthy snacks: Add-on
  • Customized nutrition
  • Dietician Support: bi-weekly call
  • Delivery charges: $22 - $42 per month



Everything in Basic plus enjoy free delivery, healthy snacks and anytime nutritionists access

  • Duration: 1 month
  • Meals per week: 18
  • Healthy snacks: Add-on
  • Customized nutrition
  • Dietician Support: anytime
  • Delivery charges: Free


Get Started with 1-week Trial Meal Plan


Start Your Healthy Food Journey With Us

If you are planning to lose weight this season, you might have to give a look at multiple dietary approaches. Out of many options out there you would find the option of vegan diet for losing weight.

Some people often think that going vegan is eating plant based meals. Yes, that is true, but a vegan diet is not the same as a vegetarian diet. You don’t know how? Don’t worry, we are here to give you information on the same! Let’s see what we have in today's diet journal!

What is a vegan diet?

A vegan diet is a bit different from a vegetarian diet because vegans take eating their greens very seriously. A vegan diet includes plant based food items excluding even the by-products of animal sources, even milk and honey.

So what do vegans include in their diet? If you are going to try vegan diet or a vegan lifestyle, don’t worry, you have a variety of foods to choose from including:

Fruits and vegetables:

Vegan diet revolves around a variety of fruits and vegetables. So a person following a vegan diet would get all the essential nutrients by eating a good amount of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Your body needs essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and antioxidants which you can get from leafy green vegetables, berries, citrus fruits, root vegetables etc.

Whole grains:

You can choose from whole grains as they are a significant source of carbohydrates, fibers and other vital nutrients. You can choose quinoa, brown rice, oats, wheat etc as your meal options.

Legumes and pulses:

Other plant based food items that a vegan diet involves are legumes like beans, lentils, chickpeas. You can experiment with them by using them in different dishes like soups, curries, stews, salads and more. Or you can get well-designed and crafted vegan meals from expert nutritionists and chefs to match your health goals.

Nuts and seeds:

Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, chia seeds, sunflower seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Plant based protein sources:

Intake of plant based protein is also sufficient for your body for better functioning. It's just plant based food products are not complete protein so you have to plan a meal that completes your protein requirements. Tofu, tempeh, seitan, edamame are some of the vegan plant based sources of protein.

Healthy fats:

Carbohydrates, protein and fat are three essential macronutrients for your body. A vegan diet should contain all three of them. Healthy fats include avocados, olives and their oils.

Plant-based dairy alternatives:

A vegan diet does not contain any animal product including dairy products that are animal by-product. So instead of dairy milk, cheese and yogurt, a vegan person consumes products made from soy, almond, coconut, oats or rice. For example, a vegan will use soy, almond or coconut milk instead of cow milk.

History of a vegan diet:

The term “veganism” might be a modern term coined in 1944 by Donald Watson and his colleagues who founded the Vegan Society in the United Kingdom, but the roots of this concept goes back centuries.

The concept is mentioned in various religious philosophies and even Pythagoras advocated a vegetarian lifestyle and not inflicting pain on animals. Religions like Jainism and Buddhism believe in abstaining meat and related products in their dietary approach.

Though the abstaining of animal products in the west was popularized late, westerners are the biggest advocate of veganism. Veganism is rooted in the ethical principles that reject the use of animal products.

The vegan diet has evolved with time driven by various factors including ethical, environment and health considerations. A vegan diet should be started under expert supervision.

A person who is not using animal products needs to include food items that will fulfill their requirements of essential nutrients. Only a certified nutritionist can help you plan a meal that contains all the essential nutrients.

Benefits of a vegan diet plan:

A well-planned vegan diet can be beneficial for your health in many ways. Not only people follow a vegan diet for environmental purposes but for their health as well. Here are a few benefits that one can get by following a vegan diet:

Weight management:

A vegan diet aids in weight loss and management because it is plant based and high in fiber and low in calories. This results in better weight management by promoting satiety, reducing calorie intake and supporting digestion.

Improved heart health:

A vegan diet is comparatively low in saturated fat and cholesterol from other diets. Both saturated fat and cholesterol are linked to heart health. Eating meals that prominently consist of healthy carbs, fats and protein will help in reducing the factors related to issues of heart health.

Reduced risk of chronic diseases:

Plant based diets are rich in fiber, antioxidants, polyphenols and other vital nutrients that reduce the risk of factors associated with chronic diseases. The minerals one gets from a plant based diet protect individuals' health by lowering the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity and certain calories.

Improved digestive health:

A vegan diet is also a fiber rich diet because you will be consuming leafy vegetables, legumes and pulses, starchy food items, and whole grains that promote digestive health. The high fiber diet can help regulate bowel movement, prevent constipation, and support gut health. A vegan diet would also be a protective measure against gastrointestinal disorders.

Tips for beginners:

Going vegan could be for various reasons. You could be an environmental advocate, or you are an animal lover who can’t stand animal abuse, and going vegan is your part to play for animal welfare. But some are just looking to lose weight through vegan diets. Here are a few tips for the beginners to make the transition smoother:

Educate yourself:

Before you turn to a vegan diet, you should educate yourself about veganism. It will help you learn about its principles, ethical considerations, nutritional requirements and potential challenges. It is better to get vital information on vegan diets from expert nutritionists.

Explore plant based foods:

Starting on a vegan diet will help you explore a number of variants in plant based foods. Starting a vegan diet can be a great choice because you can do multiple culinary experiments. But before that, learn about plant based foods and find more about them. Exploration can lead you to discover other plant-based food items that you might not otherwise would’ve known.

Consult a dietician:

Weight loss journey can be overwhelming when it comes to switching your food preferences. Do not indulge yourself in unplanned diets because without expertise you might end up cutting the wrong nutrients.

Get well-crafted meals with the help of certified nutritionists and dieticians that will help you plan your meals that will align with your fitness goals.

How can we help you?

We at Desi Nutrition help people in their weight loss journey by providing meals crafted by our culinary experts and designed by our certified nutritionists and dieticians.

A vegan diet should be taken under the supervision of medical experts. Our certified team of nutritionists and culinary experts collaborate to give our customers the meal plan that aligns with their fitness goals.

Subscribe to Desi Nutrition to get customized vegan meal plans for your specific fitness goals. We at Desi Nutrition are committed to help you in planning your meals to achieve your health goals so you don’t have to go through the hassle of daily planning and cooking your meal.

No fitness goal is unachievable and our experts make sure to keep you motivated by right guidance and tasteful meals!